{errorType=string, errorMessage=Error: SQL "SELECT p.*, ig.libelle simplifier, i.filename, ig.genre simplifier_genre, ig.energie, ig.fibres, ig.proteines, ig.sodium, ig.sucres_simples, ig.graisses_saturees, ig.score FROM frigomagic_fr.produit p, frigomagic_fr.image i, frigomagic_fr.ingredient ig WHERE p.ingredient_id = ig.id AND p.ingredient_id = i.ingredient_id AND p.groupe_id = ? AND p.ingredient_id IN (1,20,23,26,35,38,54,105,175,252) ORDER BY p.ordre ASC" Error: ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space Error: SQL "SELECT p.*, ig.libelle simplifier, i.filename, ig.genre simplifier_genre, ig.energie, ig.fibres, ig.proteines, ig.sodium, ig.sucres_simples, ig.graisses_saturees, ig.score FROM frigomagic_fr.produit p, frigomagic_fr.image i, frigomagic_fr.ingredient ig WHERE p.ingredient_id = ig.id AND p.ingredient_id = i.ingredient_id AND p.groupe_id = ? AND p.ingredient_id IN (1,20,23,26,35,38,54,105,175,252) ORDER BY p.ordre ASC" Error: ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space at Query. (/var/task/node_modules/webkooljs/MySQLHandler.js:125:24) at Query. (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:526:10) at Query._callback (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:488:16) at Query.Sequence.end (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:83:24) at Query.ErrorPacket (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Query.js:92:8) at Protocol._parsePacket (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:291:23) at Parser._parsePacket (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:433:10) at Parser.write (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:43:10) at Protocol.write (/var/task/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:38:16) at TLSSocket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:754:22), trace=[]}