Magic Fridge

I want to eat in-season ingredients!

🧐 Did you know that eating an out-of-season ingredient could cause up to 5 times more carbon emissions? Also, 27% of greenhouse effects are directly connected to what we eat.

This is why Magic Fridge is promoting in-season products. Just like there are in-season fruits and vegetables, there are in-season cheese or fish. 🧀🍎🥕🐟

🤯 It’s always been a puzzle to determine what’s in-season, and what’s not. We already knew that out-of-season impacted environnement, but to that point…

How can Magic Fridge help me cook in-season products? 🍃

  • You can see when to eat a product thanks to our pink calendar 📅 
  • Click on ℹ️, and find tips on storage life, use, benefits and nutritional details of each product

When you cook in-season products, you help reducing your carbon footprint. 🌎

💃 Each month, we evaluate seasonality in our recipes to stick better to what local producers have to offer. 🍃

🧐 We draw a list of in-season products, including:

  • The positive impact it has on our health: vitamins, proteins, etc.
  • The way you can consume your product: raw, cooked?
  • Where you can keep your product: in the fridge? On a shelve?
  • Where your product comes from
  • Your budget, because this app is for all budgets